Saturday, August 25, 2007

Mangosteen - A Miracle Fruit ?

Mangosteen - a ubiquitous fruit found in Southeast Asia - has been hailed as a miracle fruit with powerful antioxidant properties. Testimonies have been published of patients who have their reflux (heart burn) turned off, allergies healed and diabetes brought under control after being put on a regular diet of mangosteen juice!

Since the 1970s, mangosteen has been researched for its phytochemicals known as xanthones. The xanthones, found mainly in the rind of the fruit, are biological active substances of powerful antioxidant properties.

Studies have shown that mangosteen juice has positive effect in inhibiting inflammation and pain of the spine. The musculo-skeletal benefits of mangosteen juice have been to turn around chronic conditions of inflammation of cells in the body.

Other benefits of mangosteen juice include its anti-inflammatory properties of reduction in joint swelling and pain. There have also been reports of improvement in chronic skin conditions like eczema and dermatitis, thus doing away with dependence on drugs.

Mangosteen is rich in antioxidant - the key to fighting diseases. Urine tests suggest that many cancer patients have heavy metals (mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminium etc) in their body. Mangosteen juice has been reported to have the effect of removing such heavy metals from the body. The xanthones found in the rind of the fruit reportedly have the ability to inhibit the growth of certain cancer cells like breast cancer, lung and stomach cancer!

Perhaps the greatest saving grace of the fruit is its preventative properties. As one ages, diseases like excessive oxidation, uncontrolled inflammation and malfunction of the immune system are increasingly common. Studies seem to point to mangosteen juice to have the ability to prevent or retard the growth of such diseases.

Cases have been reported of patients who have been healed of allergies from cats, grass etc. after consuming mangosteen juice on a regular basis. What is interesting is that regular consumption of the fruit juice produce no side effects.

More research needs to be done to appropriate the full benefits of the mangosteen juice as a natural health supplement in preventative medicine. Looks like the humble mangosteen is a miracle fruit in the making!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Cancer - A Preventable Disease?

Cancer is actually a liquid toxic waste product of metabolism or energy consumption. The principal cause of cancer is actually the over-acidification of the blood which then affects the tissues and the cells, causing them to be cancerous.

Dr Otto Warburg, a Nobel Prize winner in medicine in 1931, stated in 1966 that the principal cause of cancer is due to the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in the normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar. In other words, the normal cells in our body meet their energy needs through the normal respiration of oxygen, whereas the cancerous cells meet their needs largely through the fermentation of sugar. No wonder sugar is a cancer feeder!

Oxygen is the gas that gives life to both the cells of plants and animals. But cancerous cells derive their energy through a lower life form , namely, the fermentation of glucose. Such cancer cells are the result of systemic acidic conditions that reside at the weakest parts of the body. Hence, over-acidification of the body has a large part to play in the formation of cancer cells, though there are other contributory factors involved.

In this respect, a person's diet and lifestyle choices have a big part to play in the prevention of cancer. Our food, drinks, activities (or inactivities), thinking and habits do have a big part to play to keep cancer at bay. It is best to adopt a preventative strategy while one is still in the pink of health.

Some simple lifestyle changes and diet can go a long way to prevent cancer.

1. Avoid tobacco like a plague. The tar and nicotine are acid and have no benefit at all to your health. Also avoid secondary smoke as they are just as harmful if in constant exposure. Cut down on alcohol as it is mainly sugar and a cancer feeder. If you need to drink, drink red wine in moderation instead.

2. Go more for fruits and vegetable, raw nuts and seeds for your nutritional needs. If at all possible, go for the organic kind as they are largely free from pesticides and herbicides - chemical compounds which are harmful to your body. Try to cut back on red meat as they are more acidic. Fish is slightly acidic but is good as they are rich in Omega 3 essential fatty acids (EFAs).

3. Drink 2-3 litres of pure alkaline water daily. As our body is about 70% water, we need lots of it to help in digestion, respiration, perspiration, waste elimination, joint lubricatrion and fat metabolism, among others. Always hydrate the body to keep it in optimum health.

4. Avoid medication like prescribed drugs and antibiotics. Most drugs including antibiotics treat only the symptoms and not the root cause of the problem. Besides, they have some side effects. Only natural foods and herbs can have no adverse side effects.

5. Try to reduce the use of all kinds of plastics like plastic bags, plastic containers (especially the cheaper variety) and even plastic bottled water. Plastic tends to leach carcinogenic toxins into foods and drinks that they contain, especially if they are highly acidic in nature. Since water is a solvent, it also tends to leach the toxin from plastic onto the food and drinks that are held within it.

6. Avoid too much exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) like television, computer, air-conditioners, microwave oven and mobile phone. Even hospital body scanners like x-ray could cause harm when over-exposed. If possible, live far away from power plants and satellite stations as high exposure to EMFs could lead to breast cancers, brain cancers and lymphomas.

7. Avoid tattooing any part of your body as infectious elements and toxins could interfere your sensitive nerve cells right underneath your skin!

8. It is a good habit to sleep before midnight. Any one hour of sleep before midnight is equivalent to four hours of sleep after midnight. For optimum health and a strong immune system, we need about 7-8 hour of quality sleep each night. Any sleep debt unpaid could weaken the immune system and hence more susceptible to sicknesses and diseases, including cancer.

9. Learn to forgive even when you are right. Unforgiveness, bitterness and anger can cause your body to be more acidic than it should be and thus more prone to the growth of cancer cells!

10. Learn to breathe from the belly or abdomen instead of from the chest. Deep breath is vital for greater intake of oxygen to recharge the brain cells and the nervous system. Proper breathing also relieves stress and lowers blood pressure.

Adrian Fah is an Internet Marketer. For details about Acid/Alkaline Balance on Weight Loss or Weight Gain, go to:

For more information about Acid Alkaline Diet, the reader may check out the link below:

Acid Alkaline Diet Simplified.