Thursday, April 26, 2007

Weight Loss Diet

Contrary to popular belief, fat is not the root cause of obesity - acid is. Yes, you read it right. Acid is the root cause of obesity because the fat is accumulated to wrap around the acid within the body to protect the body organs from acid attack. Without the fat, many tissues, cells and organs could be damaged by the overproduction of acid due to over-consumption of acidic food and drink. In a sense, the fat accumulation saves our lives!

So, what is it that cause one to be overweight? The fat no doubt, but all because of too much acid in our blood. To lose weight, the root cause has to be tackled. Reduce acidic food and drink and go on an alkaline diet...pure and simple. Choice of alkaline food would include almost all leafy vegetables, most root vegetables and less sweety fruits like lemon, grapes, grapefruit, cocunut and berries. Alkaline drinks would include filtered alkaline water, soy (preferably unswettened organic non-GM soy beans) super chlorophyll drink and herbal tea.

The fat is accumulated in the tissues and cells to protect the body from being attack by the acid. Though the fat can and will be eliminated from the body through urination, defecation, respiration and perspiration, excess acid that is left has to be buffered to prevent damage to cell tissues and organs. That is when fat plays a vital role in storing those excess acid. When that happens, weight gain is the natural consequence.

In the short run, the fat helps to protect the body from harm. However, in the long run, the excess fat and acid deposited will result in permanent weight gain, sicknesses and diseases. Such excess fat and acid in the body will reduce oxygen intake, thereby slowing down the rate of metabolism. This will in turn cause more weight gain as excess calories failed to burn off.

Besides, when metabolism rate slows, excess foods are left undigested and become fermented causing yeast, fungus and mould to flourish within our intestines. These 'unfriendly' living organisms feed on our nutrients, robbing us much of the required energy. Not only that, they deposit their waste as toxin, upping the acid level of our blood. What a double whammy!

The cycle will repeat itself if left unchecked. Many victims of obesity, tumor growth, diabetes, heart diseases, and cancer have their origin from such tracks. Like the other organs, the heart is protected by the plaque buildup which protects the arteries from the acid. Otherwise, the heart would have shriveled, and eventually breakdown through the tenderizing effect of the acid!

However, the solution to all these is to nip the problem at the bud. And that is to not let acidity level get too high in our blood stream. Consume acidic food and drink sparingly. Load up our system with more alkaline food and drink to drain the body of excess acid. Not only would one get into the mode of sustainable weight loss, but a healthier body as well.

Readers may like to consider the Acid Alkaline Diet Simplified for more details.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Alkaline Food = Energy Food

A healthy person is one who is full of energy, full of life force within, bubbly and lively without. Conversely, a sickly person is one who has depleted much of the body's energy, often feeling lethargic and even depressed!

The latter phenomena is often the result of an acid alkaline imbalance, due to over acidity in the blood and tissues of the body. An over acidic body is often due to an accumulation of toxic waste materials in the body. This will cause the energy level to be sapped to detoxify the body, depriving the body of the much needed energy which could otherwise be channelled for fruitful work and living!

We are brought up to believe that eating a high proportion of carbohydrates daily as stipulated by the 'food pyramid' will do us just fine, health-wise. However, strict compliance of the 'food pyramid' will result in an over acidic body. Because it takes as much as twenty times of bases (alkaline substances) to neutralise a given amount of acid, it is advisable to consume 70-80 percent of alkaline intake (ballpark estimate) and the balance 20-30 percent of acidic food in order to maintain a balance pH in our blood and tissues.

Common acidic foods will include all animal products like meat and diary (fresh and processed), eggs, simple carbohydrates like refined white rice, flour and sugar, alcohol, coffee, chocolates and carbonated drinks. Alkaline foods will include all vegetables (raw and lightly cooked), avocado, tomato, citrus fruits, raw nuts (almond, Brazilian) and sprouted seeds (sunflower, alfafa).

A distinction between acidic and alkaline food is important because basically, alkaline foods are 'live foods' while acidic foods are 'dead foods'. The former gives life energy while the latter is devoid of life energy. Moreover, acidic foods also leach the body of calcium and other vital minerals to the extent that such reserves have to be drawn from the bones that the body needs to help buffer the deficiencies.

Heavy marketing through commercials would have us believe that milk and other diary products like cheese will do us good, adding calcium to out bones to avoid or delay the onslaught of osteoporosis.. However, the truth is most of the calcium in the milk cannot be absorbed into our body because most people will not produce the enzyme lactase - once passed infant stage -to digest the protein lactose found in the milk. Besides, milk is acidic and tend to form mucus in the linings of our intestines to trap yeast and harmful bacteria!

Life foods are like 'depositing money' into one's savings account to store up the energy level in times of need. 'Dead foods' are like 'withdrawing money' from one's savings account, depleting the energy reserves unnecessarily, supposedly kept for emergency or pressing times of need.

As our body is about 70 percent water, we need to consume about two to three litres of pure alkaline water daily. As distilled water has a neutral pH of 7.0, an alkaline pH of 7.3 to 7.4 for drinking is ideal for a normal healthy person. Beverages like coffee, milk and carbonated drinks are highly acidic and should only be drank sparingly. A cup of coffee with full cream and sugar is some 1,000 times more acidic than distilled water, while a can of fuzzy carbonated drink with pH of 3.0 is up to 10,000 times more acidic than distilled water! Should we not be alarmed when our kids start popping up the can of cola on a regular basis?

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Acid Alkaline Balance

Many people are bombarded with all kind of threats to their health, be it the food they consume, the water they drink or the air that they breathe in. There are all kinds of toxic substances they consumed that made their blood more acidic than it should be.

Though some of these factors that affect food and water toxicity may be outside our control, we can have a choice on what we eat and drink. Generally speaking, an over acidic body is negative for health, while an alkaline charged body is positive for our physical well-being.

The acid and alkaline balance can be measured on a scale from 0 to 14. From 0 to below 7, it is acidic being saturated with protons (positively charged) - hydrogen ions -while above 7 to 14, the substance is negatively charged with electrons. At 7, it is neutral. In this context, alkaline food and drinks are better because they are negatively charged to bring life energy to recharge our body. Conversely, too much acidity is bad for our body as it is fertile ground for fats to accumulate to make us obese and unfriendly yeast and fungus to breed which eventually, if left unchecked, bring upon illnesses and diseases.

Generally, acid and bases (alkaline substances) are opposites and they neutralize each other. But it takes as much as twenty or more times of alkaline substance to neutralize a given amount of acid. In other words, to avoid overacidification of our body blood and tissues, we need to consume much more alkaline food than we do acidic food.

However, in today's modern living, where most working adults dine and wine outside their home, it is a tough act to follow. Most fast food, alcohol, sugar laden cakes and pastries, simple carbs and meat proteins are major sources of acidity. No wonder the prevalence of diseases like cancer, heart diseases and diabetes - the major scourges of modern society.

Interestingly, only be maintaining a proper balance between acid and alkaline in our blood, can we lose weight and maintain the weight loss on a permanent basis. This is because fats are formed to wrap round excess acid which would otherwise damage our body cells and organs. So basically, fats help to save our lives!

It is imperative, therefore, to re-balance our diet through the acid alkaline approach to reclaim our physical well-being. By adopting a healthy diet and exercise program, we can ward off premature aging, obesity, unnecessary sicknesses and diseases.

A good acid alkaline program can be found in Acid Alkaline Diet Simplified

Friday, April 6, 2007

Symptoms of Acidity

The problem with modern diet is the high level of adicity in our food and drinks. This is one of the primary causes of most sicknesses and diseases. With the accumulation of acid in our body, we begin to feel sickly and lethargic, sapping us of our energy and vitality of life.

A simple checklist of some of these symptoms would include, but not limited to the following:

1. Acne
2. Joint or muscular pain
3. Cold hands and feet
4. Sore throat/coughing
5. Flatulence
6. Bloating
7. Heartburn
8. Excessive phlegm
9. Constipation
10.Pre-menstrual cramp and or pain
11. Migraine headache
12. Fungus infections
13. Insomnia
14. Asthma
15. Urinary infection
16. Overweight
17. Diarrhea

All of the above are some of the known symptoms of over acidity in our body. The root cause of most health problem that can be healed if only we are determined to change our way of thinking and put into action a plan of alkaline diet.

I would recommend the Acid Alkaline Diet Simplified by Michael Murray as a good start to a diet change for your life.