Thursday, April 26, 2007

Weight Loss Diet

Contrary to popular belief, fat is not the root cause of obesity - acid is. Yes, you read it right. Acid is the root cause of obesity because the fat is accumulated to wrap around the acid within the body to protect the body organs from acid attack. Without the fat, many tissues, cells and organs could be damaged by the overproduction of acid due to over-consumption of acidic food and drink. In a sense, the fat accumulation saves our lives!

So, what is it that cause one to be overweight? The fat no doubt, but all because of too much acid in our blood. To lose weight, the root cause has to be tackled. Reduce acidic food and drink and go on an alkaline diet...pure and simple. Choice of alkaline food would include almost all leafy vegetables, most root vegetables and less sweety fruits like lemon, grapes, grapefruit, cocunut and berries. Alkaline drinks would include filtered alkaline water, soy (preferably unswettened organic non-GM soy beans) super chlorophyll drink and herbal tea.

The fat is accumulated in the tissues and cells to protect the body from being attack by the acid. Though the fat can and will be eliminated from the body through urination, defecation, respiration and perspiration, excess acid that is left has to be buffered to prevent damage to cell tissues and organs. That is when fat plays a vital role in storing those excess acid. When that happens, weight gain is the natural consequence.

In the short run, the fat helps to protect the body from harm. However, in the long run, the excess fat and acid deposited will result in permanent weight gain, sicknesses and diseases. Such excess fat and acid in the body will reduce oxygen intake, thereby slowing down the rate of metabolism. This will in turn cause more weight gain as excess calories failed to burn off.

Besides, when metabolism rate slows, excess foods are left undigested and become fermented causing yeast, fungus and mould to flourish within our intestines. These 'unfriendly' living organisms feed on our nutrients, robbing us much of the required energy. Not only that, they deposit their waste as toxin, upping the acid level of our blood. What a double whammy!

The cycle will repeat itself if left unchecked. Many victims of obesity, tumor growth, diabetes, heart diseases, and cancer have their origin from such tracks. Like the other organs, the heart is protected by the plaque buildup which protects the arteries from the acid. Otherwise, the heart would have shriveled, and eventually breakdown through the tenderizing effect of the acid!

However, the solution to all these is to nip the problem at the bud. And that is to not let acidity level get too high in our blood stream. Consume acidic food and drink sparingly. Load up our system with more alkaline food and drink to drain the body of excess acid. Not only would one get into the mode of sustainable weight loss, but a healthier body as well.

Readers may like to consider the Acid Alkaline Diet Simplified for more details.

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