Thursday, September 27, 2007

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega 3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids found in plants and plant oils such as canola, flaxseed and soy. However, certain marine fish like salmon, sardine, mackerel and herring tend to have richer marine omega 3 fatty acids compared to plant's. Apart from these, certain nuts like walnuts, almonds and pine nuts are also rich sources of omega 3 fatty acids.

The long chain omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids like eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA)have health benefits as they help to lower the LDL (the bad cholesterol) and increase the HDL (the good cholesterol).

Studies have also shown that omega 3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases like heart attack and stroke. The fatty acids are anticoagulant which help to reduce blood clotting. Excessive clotting of the blood can block off blood flow to the arteries and the brain resulting in heart attack and death! When blood clots inside the blood vessels, thrombosis like deep vein thrombosis is often the result.

However, not all omega 3 fatty acids are created equal. The marine variety from deep water fish like salmon, mackerel, sardine and herring seem to be better than plant based type. The marine omega 3 fatty acids seem to have stronger beneficial impact on health than those derived from plant. There are unconfirmed reports that flax seed may be linked to male prostrate cancer. Until medical evidences are clear, it is advisable for men to avoid flax seed as a source of omega 3 for the time being.

Marine oomega 3 fatty acids have also been shown to lower triglyceride levels in the blood, thus reducing the risk of heart disease. High intake of marine omega 3 fatty acids can also help to reduce high blood pressure (hypertension).

Scientists have rated marine omega 3 fatty acids highly in helping to reduce the pain and stiffness associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Researches believe that the omega 3 fatty acids help to reduce the inflammations.

Generally, most people tend to consume more omega 6 fatty acids than omega 3 fatty acids. Ideally, the reverse should be the case. In fact, some nutritionists suggest that a person should consume up to four times as much omega 3 fatty acids vis-a-vis omega 6 fatty acids. But certainly, it is advisable to tip the scale in favor of omega 3.

Probably, the only reservation about omega 3 fatty acids is that they oxidize and turn rancid rather quickly. The risk of consuming oxidized fats is the hardening of the arteries. Hence, they should be stored in a cool place away from light and heat and consumed within a short period of time. To overcome this risk, one way is to consume omega 3 fatty acids together with an antioxidant like vitamin E.

It looks like evidences are fully stacked in favour of consuming more marine omega 3 fatty acids for the benefits of our health. So the next time you plan your meal, do not forget to go for a second helping of your favourite fish whether it is mackerel, salmon or sashimi!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Microforms and Mucus

All foods ingested into the body are digested and eventually burnt down to an ash residue. Depending on the mineral content of the foods consumed, these ash residue can be acidic, neutral or alkaline. While calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium are basically neutral, sulphur, phosphorus, iodine and chlorine leave behind acidic residue. Overacidification creates a conducive environment for the overgrowth of microforms. An excess of acids and an overgrowth of negative microforms are twin pillars of the root causes of most illnesses and diseases!

Generally, vegetables and fruits like salads and raw foods are more alkaline when eaten raw. Various kinds of meats, processed and refined stuffs are more acidifying and so are most cooked foods. The human body creates mucus as a natural defence against acids. The mucus will bind the acids and escort them out of the body. Hence, mucus serves an important role of detoxification!

Contrary to most beliefs, the typical 'food pyramid' of consuming more carbohydrates and meats has more acidic food components than most of us can handle. For those who just started out to detoxify their body, it is advisable to consume more vegetables and fruits as they contain more alkaline salts that will protect the body from microform overgrowth and the accumulation of mycotoxins.

Most dairy and animal protein foods when consumed tend to produce mucus. Such acidic foods trap fecal materials and toxic waste that promote the growth of negative microforms. Lack of digestive enzymes and probiotics, coupled with a lack if sleep and a sedentary lifestyle will lead to an accumulation of the slimy sticky mucus on the walls of the colon. Their presence also slows the passage of waste materials in the lower bowel, causing higher toxicity buildup in the body.

The result of this can vary from constipation, heartburn, bloating, ulcers and gastritis. All these are caused by the overgrown of microforms in the gastrointestinal tract. Very often, a coated tongue, foul ordor, diarrhea, cramps and intestinal pain are symptoms of the inflammation caused by the overgrown microforms.

Microforms, if left unchecked can bore through the colon wall and enter the bloodstream. Hence, the blood can get toxic due to the presence of microforms. Through the blood circulation system, it can invade the different parts of the body, including cells, tissues and organs. In the worst case, it can negatively impact the lymphatic system, skeletal structure, central nervous system and the bone marrow!

Such penetration of microforms into the body can also cause damage to the nerve reflexes of the lower intestines. Disruptive impulses like headaches can disturb and weaken our body reflex system.

Thus when too much acidic foods are consumed, there is a corresponding increase in microforms and hence, mucus secretion. A spike in mucus/acid mixture can lead to congestion, indigestion, nasal and lung congestion, frequent coughing and throat clearing.

To correct these dire consequences, one need to restore the intestines (guts) to its proper pH balance. A proper probiotic supplement with the consumption of friendly bacteria like lactobacillus and bifidobacterium will help to restore balance somewhat. However, a longer term solution is to make a dietary change that will stuff out the microforms and mycotoxins, and less mucus secretion, with a skewed alkaline diet.

Adrian Fah is also the owner of

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Mangosteen - A Miracle Fruit ?

Mangosteen - a ubiquitous fruit found in Southeast Asia - has been hailed as a miracle fruit with powerful antioxidant properties. Testimonies have been published of patients who have their reflux (heart burn) turned off, allergies healed and diabetes brought under control after being put on a regular diet of mangosteen juice!

Since the 1970s, mangosteen has been researched for its phytochemicals known as xanthones. The xanthones, found mainly in the rind of the fruit, are biological active substances of powerful antioxidant properties.

Studies have shown that mangosteen juice has positive effect in inhibiting inflammation and pain of the spine. The musculo-skeletal benefits of mangosteen juice have been to turn around chronic conditions of inflammation of cells in the body.

Other benefits of mangosteen juice include its anti-inflammatory properties of reduction in joint swelling and pain. There have also been reports of improvement in chronic skin conditions like eczema and dermatitis, thus doing away with dependence on drugs.

Mangosteen is rich in antioxidant - the key to fighting diseases. Urine tests suggest that many cancer patients have heavy metals (mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminium etc) in their body. Mangosteen juice has been reported to have the effect of removing such heavy metals from the body. The xanthones found in the rind of the fruit reportedly have the ability to inhibit the growth of certain cancer cells like breast cancer, lung and stomach cancer!

Perhaps the greatest saving grace of the fruit is its preventative properties. As one ages, diseases like excessive oxidation, uncontrolled inflammation and malfunction of the immune system are increasingly common. Studies seem to point to mangosteen juice to have the ability to prevent or retard the growth of such diseases.

Cases have been reported of patients who have been healed of allergies from cats, grass etc. after consuming mangosteen juice on a regular basis. What is interesting is that regular consumption of the fruit juice produce no side effects.

More research needs to be done to appropriate the full benefits of the mangosteen juice as a natural health supplement in preventative medicine. Looks like the humble mangosteen is a miracle fruit in the making!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Cancer - A Preventable Disease?

Cancer is actually a liquid toxic waste product of metabolism or energy consumption. The principal cause of cancer is actually the over-acidification of the blood which then affects the tissues and the cells, causing them to be cancerous.

Dr Otto Warburg, a Nobel Prize winner in medicine in 1931, stated in 1966 that the principal cause of cancer is due to the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in the normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar. In other words, the normal cells in our body meet their energy needs through the normal respiration of oxygen, whereas the cancerous cells meet their needs largely through the fermentation of sugar. No wonder sugar is a cancer feeder!

Oxygen is the gas that gives life to both the cells of plants and animals. But cancerous cells derive their energy through a lower life form , namely, the fermentation of glucose. Such cancer cells are the result of systemic acidic conditions that reside at the weakest parts of the body. Hence, over-acidification of the body has a large part to play in the formation of cancer cells, though there are other contributory factors involved.

In this respect, a person's diet and lifestyle choices have a big part to play in the prevention of cancer. Our food, drinks, activities (or inactivities), thinking and habits do have a big part to play to keep cancer at bay. It is best to adopt a preventative strategy while one is still in the pink of health.

Some simple lifestyle changes and diet can go a long way to prevent cancer.

1. Avoid tobacco like a plague. The tar and nicotine are acid and have no benefit at all to your health. Also avoid secondary smoke as they are just as harmful if in constant exposure. Cut down on alcohol as it is mainly sugar and a cancer feeder. If you need to drink, drink red wine in moderation instead.

2. Go more for fruits and vegetable, raw nuts and seeds for your nutritional needs. If at all possible, go for the organic kind as they are largely free from pesticides and herbicides - chemical compounds which are harmful to your body. Try to cut back on red meat as they are more acidic. Fish is slightly acidic but is good as they are rich in Omega 3 essential fatty acids (EFAs).

3. Drink 2-3 litres of pure alkaline water daily. As our body is about 70% water, we need lots of it to help in digestion, respiration, perspiration, waste elimination, joint lubricatrion and fat metabolism, among others. Always hydrate the body to keep it in optimum health.

4. Avoid medication like prescribed drugs and antibiotics. Most drugs including antibiotics treat only the symptoms and not the root cause of the problem. Besides, they have some side effects. Only natural foods and herbs can have no adverse side effects.

5. Try to reduce the use of all kinds of plastics like plastic bags, plastic containers (especially the cheaper variety) and even plastic bottled water. Plastic tends to leach carcinogenic toxins into foods and drinks that they contain, especially if they are highly acidic in nature. Since water is a solvent, it also tends to leach the toxin from plastic onto the food and drinks that are held within it.

6. Avoid too much exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) like television, computer, air-conditioners, microwave oven and mobile phone. Even hospital body scanners like x-ray could cause harm when over-exposed. If possible, live far away from power plants and satellite stations as high exposure to EMFs could lead to breast cancers, brain cancers and lymphomas.

7. Avoid tattooing any part of your body as infectious elements and toxins could interfere your sensitive nerve cells right underneath your skin!

8. It is a good habit to sleep before midnight. Any one hour of sleep before midnight is equivalent to four hours of sleep after midnight. For optimum health and a strong immune system, we need about 7-8 hour of quality sleep each night. Any sleep debt unpaid could weaken the immune system and hence more susceptible to sicknesses and diseases, including cancer.

9. Learn to forgive even when you are right. Unforgiveness, bitterness and anger can cause your body to be more acidic than it should be and thus more prone to the growth of cancer cells!

10. Learn to breathe from the belly or abdomen instead of from the chest. Deep breath is vital for greater intake of oxygen to recharge the brain cells and the nervous system. Proper breathing also relieves stress and lowers blood pressure.

Adrian Fah is an Internet Marketer. For details about Acid/Alkaline Balance on Weight Loss or Weight Gain, go to:

For more information about Acid Alkaline Diet, the reader may check out the link below:

Acid Alkaline Diet Simplified.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Water - The Source of Life

There are well over 1,000 different commercially bottled water that one can purchase in the market for drinking. However, if we are to measure the quality and value of the water, most will probably not measure up in terms of contributing to our health and wellbeing.

Generally, there are five criteria to measure the value of water for optimum health.

1. Alkalinity -pH

Alkaline water has a pH of above 7 and is ideal for drinking. The alkalinity helps to neutralise and buffer the excess acidity in our body due to high intake of acidic food, drinks, cellular breakdown and pollutants.

2. Molecular Structure

Water with larger molecular cluster has lower electron activity. It is the electron activity that gives us the energy. Ideally, it should have no more than 5 or 6 molecules per water cluster. Why is smaller water molecular cluster preferred to larger molecular cluster? This is because smaller water molecular cluster has a greater surface area for electron activity that ultimately produces the life energy we need!

Most tap and bottled water is made of larger molecular cluster which finds difficulty in permeating into our body cells. This will deprive our body of precious water to bathe the cells and provide vital energy source.

3. Negative Electron Potential

Alkaline water with pH of 9 and above has the ability to detoxify the body by generating sufficient electron activity that helps to eliminate excess acids and waste. This is one effectivee method of weight loss as fats tend to accumulate within the body by wrapping around the acids.
Hence, by drinking high alkaline pH water, we will effectively lose excess weight.

4. Water Structure

Water is a network of hygrogen bonded molecules. Its structure depends on the way the molecules are bonded. An eminent Japanese water researcher Dr Emoto, discovered that
hexagon-shaped water molecules has an important biological role to play in our body. Hexagonal water seems to improve dehydration, enhanced nutrient absorption, regulate DNA function and increase metabolic efficiency!

5. Water Purity

Clean, clear and filtered water that is free from impurities like heavy metals, bacteria, yeast mold and algae is ideal for drinking. It therefore makes sense to invest in a good water filter that helps to eliminate most of the impurities. Do remember to clean the water filter and change it as often as is recommended by the manufacturer.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Detoxifying Properties of Grapefruit

The red ruby grapefruit is a little sourish and the most alkaline of all the citrus fruits. In recent years, there seem to be an inordinate amount of scientific research on the health benefits of grapefruit, particularly its detoxifying properties.

The pulp of the grapefruit contains a moderate amount of carbohydrates but few proteins and lipids. Grapefruit has a fair amount of vitamin C at 34mg/100grams. As for mineral salts, it is high in potassium at 139mg/100grams, giving it its alkalinity. In addition, it also contains calcium (12mg/100grams) and magnesium (8mg/100grams).

There are also various phytochemical compounds like pectin, carotenoids, flavonoids and limonoids in a grapefruit. The pectin is found in the fiber forming the pulp and in the whitish layer below the outer skin covering. Such fiber has arterial protection and anti-cholesterol effects on our health.

The carotenoids are a good source of beta-carotene which helps boost the antioxidant effect of vitamin C. Flavonoids are phytochemicals that help to improve blood flow, besides having antioxidant and anticarcinogenic properties.

Eating grapefruit also has an important benefit of protecting the arterial walls of the heart from acidic hardening due to acid calcification - a process known as arteriosclerosis. Hence, it increases blood flow, reduces hypertension and helps in blood circulation to the cells and tissues in the body. It must be stressed, however, that eating the whole fruit has the added benefit of preventing all forms of arteriosclerosis - be it lack of blood circulation to the brain, to the heart or to the limbs.

Besides, there is no fat or sodium in the grapefruit. This coupled with the high content of potassium makes it ideal for those suffering from heart diseases. Those who consume too much animal fats and proteins tend to suffer from over-acidity. The grapefruit has the properties to detoxify the blood, thus helping the liver to function more efficiently.

With all these wonderful health benefits of consuming grapefruit, could one do without it for an added dose of detoxification?

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Nutritional Supplements

Some people think that as long as you have your regular meals of balanced food and drinks, you don't need any vitamin supplements at all. However, this is not necessarily so in today's over-cultivated and highly-processed food culture.

1. The introduction of modern food processing technology has robbed the food of its valuable
nutrients. Many fruits and vegetables, for example, are picked well before they are riped for
picking. To extend their shelf lives, chemical agents and even carbon dioxide have to be
sprayed onto them to keep them fresh for the supermarkets. Hence, by the time they ended
up on our plates, most of the nutrients are already gone.

2. The soil that used to grow the plants are often over-ciltivated and depleted of its valuable
nutrients like selenium. To overcome this, farmers are adding chemical fertilizers to the soils.
However, the resultant crops produced under such soil conditions are often lacking in
nutrients and taste. Hence, some have to be further processed to make them look and taste

Many fruits and vegetables look good on the external, but when you taste them, it is not so
palatable as it should be. This is because much of the phytonutrients present in the colors of
the fruits and vegetables are gone. A better alternative is to go for the organic variety as they
are grown under strict farming conditions without the use of chemical fertilizers.

3. Due to lifestyle changes, most of the food sold these days are highly processed like pre-packed
food and fast-food. Consuming too much of these will add to the grim statistics of degenerative
diseases like cancer, diabetes and heart diseases. Such food and drinks are high in acidity and
are therefore toxic. Our system has to work extra hard to rid the body of such waste.

Besides, even if you consume the right food and drinks, it does not automatically translate to health. The way it is prepared, cooked and consumed is also vital to our health. Take for instance green vegetable, it should be subject to 3Ms - minimum washing, minimum cutting and minimum cooking - in order to preserve the chlorophyll for the good of our body.

Obesity is often a result of wrong food and lifestyle choices. One good step to reduce obesity is to consume less acidic food and more alkaline food. Simple carbs like white rice and white bread are high glycemic food which convert to sugar quickly, resulting in blood sugar spike. Complex carbs like brown rice and wholemeal bread are preferred as they are low in glycemic index and convert to blood sugar slowly, hence reducing the risk of diabetes.

So for all of the above named reasons, nutritional supplements are necessary to augment one's diet and help boost the immune system to fight against sicknesses and diseases.