Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Water - The Source of Life

There are well over 1,000 different commercially bottled water that one can purchase in the market for drinking. However, if we are to measure the quality and value of the water, most will probably not measure up in terms of contributing to our health and wellbeing.

Generally, there are five criteria to measure the value of water for optimum health.

1. Alkalinity -pH

Alkaline water has a pH of above 7 and is ideal for drinking. The alkalinity helps to neutralise and buffer the excess acidity in our body due to high intake of acidic food, drinks, cellular breakdown and pollutants.

2. Molecular Structure

Water with larger molecular cluster has lower electron activity. It is the electron activity that gives us the energy. Ideally, it should have no more than 5 or 6 molecules per water cluster. Why is smaller water molecular cluster preferred to larger molecular cluster? This is because smaller water molecular cluster has a greater surface area for electron activity that ultimately produces the life energy we need!

Most tap and bottled water is made of larger molecular cluster which finds difficulty in permeating into our body cells. This will deprive our body of precious water to bathe the cells and provide vital energy source.

3. Negative Electron Potential

Alkaline water with pH of 9 and above has the ability to detoxify the body by generating sufficient electron activity that helps to eliminate excess acids and waste. This is one effectivee method of weight loss as fats tend to accumulate within the body by wrapping around the acids.
Hence, by drinking high alkaline pH water, we will effectively lose excess weight.

4. Water Structure

Water is a network of hygrogen bonded molecules. Its structure depends on the way the molecules are bonded. An eminent Japanese water researcher Dr Emoto, discovered that
hexagon-shaped water molecules has an important biological role to play in our body. Hexagonal water seems to improve dehydration, enhanced nutrient absorption, regulate DNA function and increase metabolic efficiency!

5. Water Purity

Clean, clear and filtered water that is free from impurities like heavy metals, bacteria, yeast mold and algae is ideal for drinking. It therefore makes sense to invest in a good water filter that helps to eliminate most of the impurities. Do remember to clean the water filter and change it as often as is recommended by the manufacturer.

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